
Extends Item

The PathItem class is the base for any items that describe paths and offer standardised methods for drawing and path manipulation, such as [Path]( and [CompoundPath](


  • interiorPoint

    Returns a point that is guaranteed to be inside the path.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Point

  • clockwise

    Specifies whether the path as a whole is oriented clock-wise, by looking at the path’s area. Note that self-intersecting paths and sub-paths of different orientation can result in areas that cancel each other out.

    • Type:

    • Boolean

    • See also:

    • path.area

    • compoundPath.area

  • pathData

    The path’s geometry, formatted as SVG style path data.

    • Type:

    • String


Boolean Path Operations

  • unite(path[, options])

    Unites the geometry of the specified path with this path’s geometry and returns the result as a new path item.

    • Options:

    • options.insert: Boolean — whether the resulting item should be inserted back into the scene graph, above both paths involved in the operation — default: true

    • Parameters:

    • path: PathItem — the path to unite with

    • options: Object — the boolean operation options — optional

    • Returns:

    • PathItem — the resulting path item

  • intersect(path[, options])

    Intersects the geometry of the specified path with this path’s geometry and returns the result as a new path item.

    • Options:

    • options.insert: Boolean — whether the resulting item should be inserted back into the scene graph, above both paths involved in the operation — default: true

    • options.trace: Boolean — whether the tracing method is used, treating both paths as areas when determining which parts of the paths are to be kept in the result, or whether the first path is only to be split at intersections, keeping the parts of the curves that intersect with the area of the second path. — default: true

    • Parameters:

    • path: PathItem — the path to intersect with

    • options: Object — the boolean operation options — optional

    • Returns:

    • PathItem — the resulting path item

  • subtract(path[, options])

    Subtracts the geometry of the specified path from this path’s geometry and returns the result as a new path item.

    • Options:

    • options.insert: Boolean — whether the resulting item should be inserted back into the scene graph, above both paths involved in the operation — default: true

    • options.trace: Boolean — whether the tracing method is used, treating both paths as areas when determining which parts of the paths are to be kept in the result, or whether the first path is only to be split at intersections, removing the parts of the curves that intersect with the area of the second path. — default: true

    • Parameters:

    • path: PathItem — the path to subtract

    • options: Object — the boolean operation options — optional

    • Returns:

    • PathItem — the resulting path item

  • exclude(path[, options])

    Excludes the intersection of the geometry of the specified path with this path’s geometry and returns the result as a new path item.

    • Options:

    • options.insert: Boolean — whether the resulting item should be inserted back into the scene graph, above both paths involved in the operation — default: true

    • Parameters:

    • path: PathItem — the path to exclude the intersection of

    • options: Object — the boolean operation options — optional

    • Returns:

    • PathItem — the resulting path item

  • divide(path[, options])

    Splits the geometry of this path along the geometry of the specified path returns the result as a new group item. This is equivalent to calling subtract(path) and intersect(path) and putting the results into a new group.

    • Options:

    • options.insert: Boolean — whether the resulting item should be inserted back into the scene graph, above both paths involved in the operation — default: true

    • options.trace: Boolean — whether the tracing method is used, treating both paths as areas when determining which parts of the paths are to be kept in the result, or whether the first path is only to be split at intersections. — default: true

    • Parameters:

    • path: PathItem — the path to divide by

    • options: Object — the boolean operation options — optional

    • Returns:

    • PathItem — the resulting path item

  • reorient([nonZero[, clockwise]])

    Fixes the orientation of the sub-paths of a compound-path, assuming that non of its sub-paths intersect, by reorienting them so that they are of different winding direction than their containing paths, except for disjoint sub-paths, i.e. islands, which are oriented so that they have the same winding direction as the the biggest path.

    • Parameters:

    • nonZero: Boolean — controls if the non-zero fill-rule is to be applied, by counting the winding of each nested path and discarding sub-paths that do not contribute to the final result — optional, default: false

    • clockwise: Boolean — if provided, the orientation of the root paths will be set to the orientation specified by clockwise, otherwise the orientation of the largest root child is used. — optional

    • Returns:

    • PathItem — a reference to the item itself, reoriented

Path Intersections and Locations

  • getIntersections(path[, include])

    Returns all intersections between two PathItem items as an array of CurveLocation objects. CompoundPath items are also supported.

    • Parameters:

    • path: PathItem — the other item to find the intersections with

    • include: Function — a callback function that can be used to filter out undesired locations right while they are collected. When defined, it shall return true to include a location, false otherwise. — optional

    • Returns:

    • Array of CurveLocation objects — the locations of all intersection between the paths

    • See also:

    • getCrossings(path)

    Example:Finding the intersections between two paths

    var path = new Path.Rectangle(new Point(30, 25), new Size(50, 50));
    path.strokeColor = 'black';
    var secondPath = path.clone();
    var intersectionGroup = new Group();
    function onFrame(event) {
        var intersections = path.getIntersections(secondPath);
        for (var i = 0; i < intersections.length; i++) {
            var intersectionPath = new Path.Circle({
                center: intersections[i].point,
                radius: 4,
                fillColor: 'red',
                parent: intersectionGroup
  • getCrossings(path)

    Returns all crossings between two PathItem items as an array of CurveLocation objects. CompoundPath items are also supported. Crossings are intersections where the paths actually are crossing each other, as opposed to simply touching.

    • Parameters:

    • path: PathItem — the other item to find the crossings with

    • Returns:

    • Array of CurveLocation objects — the locations of all crossings between the paths

    • See also:

    • getIntersections(path)

  • getNearestLocation(point)

    Returns the nearest location on the path item to the specified point.

    • Parameters:

    • point: Point — the point for which we search the nearest location

    • Returns:

    • CurveLocation — the location on the path that’s the closest to the specified point

  • getNearestPoint(point)

    Returns the nearest point on the path item to the specified point.

    • Parameters:

    • point: Point — the point for which we search the nearest point

    • Returns:

    • Point — the point on the path that’s the closest to the specified point


    var star = new Path.Star({
        points: 10,
        radius1: 30,
        radius2: 60,
        strokeColor: 'black'
    var circle = new Path.Circle({
        radius: 3,
        fillColor: 'red'
    function onMouseMove(event) {
        // Get the nearest point from the mouse position
        // to the star shaped path:
        var nearestPoint = star.getNearestPoint(event.point);
        // Move the red circle to the nearest point:
        circle.position = nearestPoint;

Path Manipulation

  • reverse()

    Reverses the orientation of the path item. When called on CompoundPath items, each of the nested paths is reversed. On Path items, the sequence of path.segments is reversed.

  • flatten([flatness])

    Flattens the curves in path items to a sequence of straight lines, by subdividing them enough times until the specified maximum error is met.

    • Parameters:

    • flatness: Number — the maximum error between the flattened lines and the original curves — optional, default: 0.25

    Example:Flattening a circle shaped path:

    // Create a circle shaped path at { x: 80, y: 50 }
    // with a radius of 35:
    var path = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 35
    // Select the path, so we can inspect its segments:
    path.selected = true;
    // Create a copy of the path and move it by 150 points:
    var copy = path.clone();
    copy.position.x += 150;
    // Flatten the copied path, with a maximum error of 4 points:
  • smooth([options])

    Smooths the path item without changing the amount of segments in the path or moving the segments’ locations, by smoothing and adjusting the angle and length of the segments’ handles based on the position and distance of neighboring segments.

    Smoothing works both for open paths and closed paths, and can be applied to the full path, as well as a sub-range of it. If a range is defined using the options.from and properties, only the curve handles inside that range are touched. If one or both limits of the range are specified in negative indices, the indices are wrapped around the end of the curve. That way, a smoothing range in a close path can even wrap around the connection between the last and the first segment.

    Four different smoothing methods are available:

    • 'continuous' smooths the path item by adjusting its curve handles so that the first and second derivatives of all involved curves are continuous across their boundaries.

      This method tends to result in the smoothest results, but does not allow for further parametrization of the handles.

    • 'asymmetric' is based on the same principle as 'continuous' but uses different factors so that the result is asymmetric. This used to the only method available until v0.10.0, and is currently still the default when no method is specified, for reasons of backward compatibility. It will eventually be removed.

    • 'catmull-rom' uses the Catmull-Rom spline to smooth the segment.

      The optionally passed factor controls the knot parametrization of the algorithm:

      • 0.0: the standard, uniform Catmull-Rom spline

      • 0.5: the centripetal Catmull-Rom spline, guaranteeing no self-intersections

      • 1.0: the chordal Catmull-Rom spline

    • 'geometric' use a simple heuristic and empiric geometric method to smooth the segment’s handles. The handles were weighted, meaning that big differences in distances between the segments will lead to probably undesired results.

      The optionally passed factor defines the tension parameter (0…1), controlling the amount of smoothing as a factor by which to scale each handle.

    • Options:

    • options.type: String — the type of smoothing method: ‘continuous’, ‘asymmetric’, ‘catmull-rom’, ‘geometric’ — default: ‘asymmetric’

    • options.factor: Number — the factor parameterizing the smoothing method — default: 0.5 for 'catmull-rom', 0.4 for 'geometric'

    • options.from: Number⟋Segment⟋Curve — the segment or curve at which to start smoothing, if not the full path shall be smoothed (inclusive). This can either be a segment index, or a segment or curve object that is part of the path. If the passed number is negative, the index is wrapped around the end of the path.

    • Number⟋Segment⟋Curve — the segment or curve to which the handles of the path shall be processed (inclusive). This can either be a segment index, or a segment or curve object that is part of the path. If the passed number is negative, the index is wrapped around the end of the path.

    • Parameters:

    • options: Object — the smoothing options — optional

    • See also:

    • segment.smooth([options])

    Example:Smoothing a closed shape:

    // Create a rectangular path with its top-left point at
    // {x: 30, y: 25} and a size of {width: 50, height: 50}:
    var path = new Path.Rectangle({
        point: [30, 25],
        size: [50, 50],
        strokeColor: 'black',
    // Select the path, so we can see its handles:
    path.fullySelected = true;
    // Create a copy of the path and move it 100 to the right:
    var copy = path.clone();
    copy.position.x += 100;
    // Smooth the segments of the copy:
    copy.smooth({ type: 'continuous' });


    var path = new Path();
    path.strokeColor = 'black';
    path.add(new Point(30, 50));
    var y = 5;
    var x = 3;
    for (var i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
        y *= -1.1;
        x *= 1.1;
        path.lineBy(x, y);
    // Create a copy of the path and move it 100 down:
    var copy = path.clone();
    copy.position.y += 120;
    // Select the path, so we can see its handles:
    copy.fullySelected = true;
    // Smooth the path using centripetal Catmull-Rom splines:
    copy.smooth({ type: 'catmull-rom', factor: 0.5 });

    Example:Smoothing ranges of paths, using segments, curves or indices:

    // Create 5 rectangles, next to each other:
    var paths = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        paths.push(new Path.Rectangle({
            point: [30 + i * 100, 30],
            size: [50, 50],
            fullySelected: true
    // Smooth a range, using segments:
        type: 'continuous',
        from: paths[1].segments[0],
        to: paths[1].segments[2]
    // Smooth a range, using curves:
        type: 'continuous',
        from: paths[2].curves[0],
        to: paths[2].curves[1]
    // Smooth a range, using indices:
    paths[3].smooth({ type: 'continuous', from: 0, to: 2 });
    // Smooth a range, using negative indices:
    paths[4].smooth({ type: 'continuous', from: -1, to: 1 });
  • simplify([tolerance])

    Fits a sequence of as few curves as possible through the path’s anchor points, ignoring the path items’s curve-handles, with an allowed maximum error. When called on CompoundPath items, each of the nested paths is simplified. On Path items, the path.segments array is processed and replaced by the resulting sequence of fitted curves.

    This method can be used to process and simplify the point data received from a mouse or touch device.

    • Parameters:

    • tolerance: Number — the allowed maximum error when fitting the curves through the segment points — optional, default: 2.5

    • Returns:

    • Boolean — true if the method was capable of fitting curves through the path’s segment points, false otherwise

    Example:Click and drag below to draw to draw a line, when you release the mouse, the is made smooth using path.simplify():

    var path;
    function onMouseDown(event) {
        // If we already made a path before, deselect it:
        if (path) {
            path.selected = false;
        // Create a new path and add the position of the mouse
        // as its first segment. Select it, so we can see the
        // segment points:
        path = new Path({
            segments: [event.point],
            strokeColor: 'black',
            selected: true
    function onMouseDrag(event) {
        // On every drag event, add a segment to the path
        // at the position of the mouse:
    function onMouseUp(event) {
        // When the mouse is released, simplify the path:
        path.selected = true;
  • interpolate(from, to, factor)

    Interpolates between the two specified path items and uses the result as the geometry for this path item. The number of children and segments in the two paths involved in the operation should be the same.

    • Parameters:

    • from: PathItem — the path item defining the geometry when factor is 0

    • to: PathItem — the path item defining the geometry when factor is 1

    • factor: Number — the interpolation coefficient, typically between 0 and 1, but extrapolation is possible too

  • compare(path)

    Compares the geometry of two paths to see if they describe the same shape, detecting cases where paths start in different segments or even use different amounts of curves to describe the same shape, as long as their orientation is the same, and their segments and handles really result in the same visual appearance of curves.

    • Parameters:

    • path: PathItem — the path to compare this path’s geometry with

    • Returns:

    • Boolean — true if two paths describe the same shape, false otherwise

Postscript Style Drawing Commands

  • moveTo(point)

    On a normal empty Path, the point is simply added as the path’s first segment. If called on a CompoundPath, a new Path is created as a child and the point is added as its first segment.

    • Parameters:

    • point: Point — the point in which to start the path

  • lineTo(point)

    Adds a straight curve to the path, from the the last segment in the path to the specified point.

    • Parameters:

    • point: Point — the destination point of the newly added straight curve

  • arcTo(through, to)

    Adds an arc from the position of the last segment in the path, passing through the specified through point, to the specified to point, by adding one or more segments to the path.

    • Parameters:

    • through: Point — the point where the arc should pass through

    • to: Point — the point where the arc should end


    var path = new Path();
    path.strokeColor = 'black';
    var firstPoint = new Point(30, 75);
    // The point through which we will create the arc:
    var throughPoint = new Point(40, 40);
    // The point at which the arc will end:
    var toPoint = new Point(130, 75);
    // Draw an arc through 'throughPoint' to 'toPoint'
    path.arcTo(throughPoint, toPoint);
    // Add a red circle shaped path at the position of 'throughPoint':
    var circle = new Path.Circle(throughPoint, 3);
    circle.fillColor = 'red';

    Example:Interactive example. Click and drag in the view below:

    var myPath;
    function onMouseDrag(event) {
        // If we created a path before, remove it:
        if (myPath) {
        // Create a new path and add a segment point to it
        // at {x: 150, y: 150):
        myPath = new Path();
        myPath.add(150, 150);
        // Draw an arc through the position of the mouse to 'toPoint'
        var toPoint = new Point(350, 150);
        myPath.arcTo(event.point, toPoint);
        // Select the path, so we can see its segments:
        myPath.selected = true;
    // When the mouse is released, deselect the path
    // and fill it with black.
    function onMouseUp(event) {
        myPath.selected = false;
        myPath.fillColor = 'black';
  • arcTo(to[, clockwise])

    Adds an arc from the position of the last segment in the path to the specified point, by adding one or more segments to the path.

    • Parameters:

    • to: Point — the point where the arc should end

    • clockwise: Boolean — specifies whether the arc should be drawn in clockwise direction — optional, default: true


    var path = new Path();
    path.strokeColor = 'black';
    path.add(new Point(30, 75));
    path.arcTo(new Point(130, 75));
    var path2 = new Path();
    path2.strokeColor = 'red';
    path2.add(new Point(180, 25));
    // To draw an arc in anticlockwise direction,
    // we pass `false` as the second argument to arcTo:
    path2.arcTo(new Point(280, 25), false);

    Example:Interactive example. Click and drag in the view below:

    var myPath;
    // The mouse has to move at least 20 points before
    // the next mouse drag event is fired:
    tool.minDistance = 20;
    // When the user clicks, create a new path and add
    // the current mouse position to it as its first segment:
    function onMouseDown(event) {
        myPath = new Path();
        myPath.strokeColor = 'black';
    // On each mouse drag event, draw an arc to the current
    // position of the mouse:
    function onMouseDrag(event) {
  • curveTo(through, to[, time])

    Adds a curve from the last segment in the path through the specified through point, to the specified destination point by adding one segment to the path.

    • Parameters:

    • through: Point — the point through which the curve should pass

    • to: Point — the destination point of the newly added curve

    • time: Number — the curve-time parameter at which the through point is to be located — optional, default: 0.5

    Example:Interactive example. Move your mouse around the view below:

    var myPath;
    function onMouseMove(event) {
        // If we created a path before, remove it:
        if (myPath) {
        // Create a new path and add a segment point to it
        // at {x: 150, y: 150):
        myPath = new Path();
        myPath.add(150, 150);
        // Draw a curve through the position of the mouse to 'toPoint'
        var toPoint = new Point(350, 150);
        myPath.curveTo(event.point, toPoint);
        // Select the path, so we can see its segments:
        myPath.selected = true;
  • cubicCurveTo(handle1, handle2, to)

    Adds a cubic bezier curve to the path, from the last segment to the specified destination point, with the curve itself defined by two specified handles.

    • Parameters:

    • handle1: Point — the location of the first handle of the newly added curve in absolute coordinates, out of which the relative values for segment.handleOut of its first segment are calculated

    • handle2: Point — the location of the second handle of the newly added curve in absolute coordinates, out of which the relative values for segment.handleIn of its second segment are calculated

    • to: Point — the destination point of the newly added curve

  • quadraticCurveTo(handle, to)

    Adds a quadratic bezier curve to the path, from the last segment to the specified destination point, with the curve itself defined by the specified handle.

    Note that Paper.js only stores cubic curves, so the handle is actually converted.

    • Parameters:

    • handle: Point — the location of the handle of the newly added quadratic curve in absolute coordinates, out of which the relative values for segment.handleOut of the resulting cubic curve’s first segment and segment.handleIn of its second segment are calculated

    • to: Point — the destination point of the newly added curve

  • closePath()

    Closes the path. When closed, Paper.js connects the first and last segment of the path with an additional curve. The difference to setting path.closed to true is that this will also merge the first segment with the last if they lie in the same location.

    • See also:

    • path.closed

Relative Drawing Commands

  • moveBy(to)

    If called on a CompoundPath, a new Path is created as a child and a point is added as its first segment relative to the position of the last segment of the current path.

    • Parameters:

    • to: Point

  • lineBy(point)

    Adds a straight curve to the path, from the the last segment in the path to the to vector specified relatively to it.

    • Parameters:

    • point: Point — the vector describing the destination of the newly added straight curve


    var path = new Path();
    path.strokeColor = 'black';
    // Add a segment at {x: 50, y: 50}
    path.add(25, 25);
    // Add a segment relative to the last segment of the path.
    // 50 in x direction and 0 in y direction, becomes {x: 75, y: 25}
    path.lineBy(50, 0);
    // 0 in x direction and 50 in y direction, becomes {x: 75, y: 75}
    path.lineBy(0, 50);

    Example:Drawing a spiral using lineBy:

    var path = new Path();
    path.strokeColor = 'black';
    // Add the first segment at {x: 50, y: 50}
    // Loop 500 times:
    for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
        // Create a vector with an ever increasing length
        // and an angle in increments of 45 degrees
        var vector = new Point({
            angle: i * 45,
            length: i / 2
        // Add the vector relatively to the last segment point:
    // Smooth the handles of the path:
    // Uncomment the following line and click on 'run' to see
    // the construction of the path:
    // path.selected = true;
  • arcBy(through, to)

    Adds an arc from the position of the last segment in the path, passing through the specified through vector, to the specified to vector, all specified relatively to it by these given vectors, by adding one or more segments to the path.

    • Parameters:

    • through: Point — the vector where the arc should pass through

    • to: Point — the vector where the arc should end

  • arcBy(to[, clockwise])

    Adds an arc from the position of the last segment in the path to the to vector specified relatively to it, by adding one or more segments to the path.

    • Parameters:

    • to: Point — the vector where the arc should end

    • clockwise: Boolean — specifies whether the arc should be drawn in clockwise direction — optional, default: true

  • curveBy(through, to[, time])

    Adds a curve from the last segment in the path through the specified through vector, to the specified to vector, all specified relatively to it by these given vectors, by adding one segment to the path.

    • Parameters:

    • through: Point — the vector through which the curve should pass

    • to: Point — the destination vector of the newly added curve

    • time: Number — the curve-time parameter at which the through point is to be located — optional, default: 0.5

  • cubicCurveBy(handle1, handle2, to)

    Adds a cubic bezier curve to the path, from the last segment to the to the specified to vector, with the curve itself defined by two specified handles.

    • Parameters:

    • handle1: Point — the location of the first handle of the newly added curve

    • handle2: Point — the location of the second handle of the newly added curve

    • to: Point — the destination point of the newly added curve

  • quadraticCurveBy(handle, to)

    Adds a quadratic bezier curve to the path, from the last segment to the specified destination point, with the curve itself defined by the specified handle.

    Note that Paper.js only stores cubic curves, so the handle is actually converted.

    • Parameters:

    • handle: Point — the handle of the newly added quadratic curve out of which the values for segment.handleOut of the resulting cubic curve’s first segment and segment.handleIn of its second segment are calculated

    • to: Point — the destination point of the newly added curve

Static Methods

  • PathItem.create(pathData)

    Creates a path item from the given SVG path-data, determining if the data describes a plain path or a compound-path with multiple sub-paths.

    • Parameters:

    • pathData: String — the SVG path-data to parse

    • Returns:

    • Path⟋CompoundPath — the newly created path item

  • PathItem.create(segments)

    Creates a path item from the given segments array, determining if the array describes a plain path or a compound-path with multiple sub-paths.

    • Parameters:

    • segments: Array of Number[] objects[] — the segments array to parse

    • Returns:

    • Path⟋CompoundPath — the newly created path item

  • PathItem.create(object)

    Creates a path item from the given object, determining if the contained information describes a plain path or a compound-path with multiple sub-paths.

    • Parameters:

    • object: Object — an object containing the properties describing the item to be created

    • Returns:

    • Path⟋CompoundPath — the newly created path item

Properties inherited from Item

  • id

    The unique id of the item.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Number

  • className

    The class name of the item as a string.

    • Values:

    • 'Group', 'Layer', 'Path', 'CompoundPath', 'Shape', 'Raster', 'SymbolItem', 'PointText'

    • Type:

    • String


    The name of the item. If the item has a name, it can be accessed by name through its parent’s children list.

    • Type:

    • String


    var path = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 35
    // Set the name of the path: = 'example';
    // Create a group and add path to it as a child:
    var group = new Group();
    // The path can be accessed by name:
    group.children['example'].fillColor = 'red';
  • style

    The path style of the item.

    • Type:

    • Style

    Example:Applying several styles to an item in one go, by passing an object to its style property:

    var circle = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 30
    }); = {
        fillColor: 'blue',
        strokeColor: 'red',
        strokeWidth: 5

    Example:Copying the style of another item:

    var path = new Path.Circle({
        center: [50, 50],
        radius: 30,
        fillColor: 'red'
    var path2 = new Path.Circle({
        center: new Point(180, 50),
        radius: 20
    // Copy the path style of path: =;

    Example:Applying the same style object to multiple items:

    var myStyle = {
        fillColor: 'red',
        strokeColor: 'blue',
        strokeWidth: 4
    var path = new Path.Circle({
        center: [50, 50],
        radius: 30
    }); = myStyle;
    var path2 = new Path.Circle({
        center: new Point(150, 50),
        radius: 20
    }); = myStyle;
  • locked

    Specifies whether the item is locked. When set to true, item interactions with the mouse are disabled.

    • Default:

    • false

    • Type:

    • Boolean


    var unlockedItem = new Path.Circle({
        center: - [35, 0],
        radius: 30,
        fillColor: 'springgreen',
        onMouseDown: function() {
            this.fillColor = Color.random();
    var lockedItem = new Path.Circle({
        center: + [35, 0],
        radius: 30,
        fillColor: 'crimson',
        locked: true,
        // This event won't be triggered because the item is locked.
        onMouseDown: function() {
            this.fillColor = Color.random();
    new PointText({
        content: 'Click on both circles to see which one is locked.',
        point: - [0, 35],
        justification: 'center'
  • visible

    Specifies whether the item is visible. When set to false, the item won’t be drawn.

    • Default:

    • true

    • Type:

    • Boolean

    Example:Hiding an item:

    var path = new Path.Circle({
        center: [50, 50],
        radius: 20,
        fillColor: 'red'
    // Hide the path:
    path.visible = false;
  • blendMode

    The blend mode with which the item is composited onto the canvas. Both the standard canvas compositing modes, as well as the new CSS blend modes are supported. If blend-modes cannot be rendered natively, they are emulated. Be aware that emulation can have an impact on performance.

    • Values:

    • 'normal', 'multiply', 'screen', 'overlay', 'soft-light', 'hard- light', 'color-dodge', 'color-burn', 'darken', 'lighten', 'difference', 'exclusion', 'hue', 'saturation', 'luminosity', 'color', 'add', 'subtract', 'average', 'pin-light', 'negation', 'source-over', 'source-in', 'source-out', 'source-atop', 'destination-over', 'destination-in', 'destination-out', 'destination-atop', 'lighter', 'darker', 'copy', 'xor'

    • Default:

    • 'normal'

    • Type:

    • String

    Example:Setting an item's blend mode:

    // Create a white rectangle in the background
    // with the same dimensions as the view:
    var background = new Path.Rectangle(view.bounds);
    background.fillColor = 'white';
    var circle = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 35,
        fillColor: 'red'
    var circle2 = new Path.Circle({
        center: new Point(120, 50),
        radius: 35,
        fillColor: 'blue'
    // Set the blend mode of circle2:
    circle2.blendMode = 'multiply';
  • opacity

    The opacity of the item as a value between 0 and 1.

    • Default:

    • 1

    • Type:

    • Number

    Example:Making an item 50% transparent:

    var circle = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 35,
        fillColor: 'red'
    var circle2 = new Path.Circle({
        center: new Point(120, 50),
        radius: 35,
        fillColor: 'blue',
        strokeColor: 'green',
        strokeWidth: 10
    // Make circle2 50% transparent:
    circle2.opacity = 0.5;
  • selected

    Specifies whether the item is selected. This will also return true for Group items if they are partially selected, e.g. groups containing selected or partially selected paths.

    Paper.js draws the visual outlines of selected items on top of your project. This can be useful for debugging, as it allows you to see the construction of paths, position of path curves, individual segment points and bounding boxes of symbol and raster items.

    • Default:

    • false

    • Type:

    • Boolean

    • See also:

    • project.selectedItems

    • segment.selected

    • curve.selected

    • point.selected

    Example:Selecting an item:

    var path = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 35
    path.selected = true; // Select the path
  • clipMask

    Specifies whether the item defines a clip mask. This can only be set on paths and compound paths, and only if the item is already contained within a clipping group.

    • Default:

    • false

    • Type:

    • Boolean

  • data

    A plain javascript object which can be used to store arbitrary data on the item.

    • Type:

    • Object


    var path = new Path(); = 'milk';


    var path = new Path(); = new Point(20, 30);
    console.log(; // 20


    var path = new Path(); = {
        home: 'Omicron Theta',
        found: 2338,
        pets: ['Spot']
    console.log(; // 1


    var path = new Path({
        data: {
            home: 'Omicron Theta',
            found: 2338,
            pets: ['Spot']
    console.log(; // 1

Position and Bounding Boxes

  • position

    The item’s position within the parent item’s coordinate system. By default, this is the of the item’s bounds rectangle.

    • Type:

    • Point

    Example:Changing the position of a path:

    // Create a circle at position { x: 10, y: 10 }
    var circle = new Path.Circle({
        center: new Point(10, 10),
        radius: 10,
        fillColor: 'red'
    // Move the circle to { x: 20, y: 20 }
    circle.position = new Point(20, 20);
    // Move the circle 100 points to the right and 50 points down
    circle.position += new Point(100, 50);

    Example:Changing the x coordinate of an item's position:

    // Create a circle at position { x: 20, y: 20 }
    var circle = new Path.Circle({
        center: new Point(20, 20),
        radius: 10,
        fillColor: 'red'
    // Move the circle 100 points to the right
    circle.position.x += 100;
  • pivot

    The item’s pivot point specified in the item coordinate system, defining the point around which all transformations are hinging. This is also the reference point for position. By default, it is set to null, meaning the of the item’s bounds rectangle is used as pivot.

    • Default:

    • null

    • Type:

    • Point

  • bounds

    The bounding rectangle of the item excluding stroke width.

    • Type:

    • Rectangle

  • strokeBounds

    The bounding rectangle of the item including stroke width.

    • Type:

    • Rectangle

  • handleBounds

    The bounding rectangle of the item including handles.

    • Type:

    • Rectangle

  • internalBounds

    The bounding rectangle of the item without any matrix transformations.

    Typical use case would be drawing a frame around the object where you want to draw something of the same size, position, rotation, and scaling, like a selection frame.

    • Type:

    • Rectangle

  • rotation

    The current rotation angle of the item, as described by its matrix. Please note that this only returns meaningful values for items with applyMatrix set to false, meaning they do not directly bake transformations into their content.

    • Type:

    • Number

  • scaling

    The current scale factor of the item, as described by its matrix. Please note that this only returns meaningful values for items with applyMatrix set to false, meaning they do not directly bake transformations into their content.

    • Type:

    • Point

  • matrix

    The item’s transformation matrix, defining position and dimensions in relation to its parent item in which it is contained.

    • Type:

    • Matrix

  • globalMatrix

    The item’s global transformation matrix in relation to the global project coordinate space. Note that the view’s transformations resulting from zooming and panning are not factored in.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Matrix

  • viewMatrix

    The item’s global matrix in relation to the view coordinate space. This means that the view’s transformations resulting from zooming and panning are factored in.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Matrix

  • applyMatrix

    Controls whether the transformations applied to the item (e.g. through transform(matrix), rotate(angle), scale(scale), etc.) are stored in its matrix property, or whether they are directly applied to its contents or children (passed on to the segments in Path items, the children of Group items, etc.).

    • Default:

    • true

    • Type:

    • Boolean

Project Hierarchy

  • project

    The project that this item belongs to.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Project

  • view

    The view that this item belongs to.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • View

  • layer

    The layer that this item is contained within.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Layer

  • parent

    The item that this item is contained within.

    • Type:

    • Item


    var path = new Path();
    // New items are placed in the active layer:
    console.log(path.parent == project.activeLayer); // true
    var group = new Group();
    // Now the parent of the path has become the group:
    console.log(path.parent == group); // true

    Example:Setting the parent of the item to another item

    var path = new Path();
    // New items are placed in the active layer:
    console.log(path.parent == project.activeLayer); // true
    var group = new Group();
    path.parent = group;
    // Now the parent of the path has become the group:
    console.log(path.parent == group); // true
    // The path is now contained in the children list of group:
    console.log(group.children[0] == path); // true

    Example:Setting the parent of an item in the constructor

    var group = new Group();
    var path = new Path({
        parent: group
    // The parent of the path is the group:
    console.log(path.parent == group); // true
    // The path is contained in the children list of group:
    console.log(group.children[0] == path); // true
  • children

    The children items contained within this item. Items that define a name can also be accessed by name.

    Please note: The children array should not be modified directly using array functions. To remove single items from the children list, use item.remove(), to remove all items from the children list, use item.removeChildren(). To add items to the children list, use item.addChild(item) or item.insertChild(index, item).

    • Type:

    • Array of Item objects

    Example:Accessing items in the children array:

    var path = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 35
    // Create a group and move the path into it:
    var group = new Group();
    // Access the path through the group's children array:
    group.children[0].fillColor = 'red';

    Example:Accessing children by name:

    var path = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 35
    // Set the name of the path: = 'example';
    // Create a group and move the path into it:
    var group = new Group();
    // The path can be accessed by name:
    group.children['example'].fillColor = 'orange';

    Example:Passing an array of items to item.children:

    var path = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 35
    var group = new Group();
    group.children = [path];
    // The path is the first child of the group:
    group.firstChild.fillColor = 'green';
  • firstChild

    The first item contained within this item. This is a shortcut for accessing item.children[0].

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Item

  • lastChild

    The last item contained within this item.This is a shortcut for accessing item.children[item.children.length - 1].

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Item

  • nextSibling

    The next item on the same level as this item.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Item

  • previousSibling

    The previous item on the same level as this item.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Item

  • index

    The index of this item within the list of its parent’s children.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Number

Stroke Style

  • strokeColor

    The color of the stroke.

    • Type:

    • Color⟋null

    Example:Setting the stroke color of a path:

    // Create a circle shaped path at { x: 80, y: 50 }
    // with a radius of 35:
    var circle = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 35
    // Set its stroke color to RGB red:
    circle.strokeColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);
  • strokeWidth

    The width of the stroke.

    • Type:

    • Number

    Example:Setting an item's stroke width:

    // Create a circle shaped path at { x: 80, y: 50 }
    // with a radius of 35:
    var circle = new Path.Circle({
        center: [80, 50],
        radius: 35,
        strokeColor: 'red'
    // Set its stroke width to 10:
    circle.strokeWidth = 10;
  • strokeCap

    The shape to be used at the beginning and end of open Path items, when they have a stroke.

    • Values:

    • 'round', 'square', 'butt'

    • Default:

    • 'butt'

    • Type:

    • String

    Example:A look at the different stroke caps:

    var line = new Path({
        segments: [[80, 50], [420, 50]],
        strokeColor: 'black',
        strokeWidth: 20,
        selected: true
    // Set the stroke cap of the line to be round:
    line.strokeCap = 'round';
    // Copy the path and set its stroke cap to be square:
    var line2 = line.clone();
    line2.position.y += 50;
    line2.strokeCap = 'square';
    // Make another copy and set its stroke cap to be butt:
    var line2 = line.clone();
    line2.position.y += 100;
    line2.strokeCap = 'butt';
  • strokeJoin

    The shape to be used at the segments and corners of Path items when they have a stroke.

    • Values:

    • 'miter', 'round', 'bevel'