
An affine transformation matrix performs a linear mapping from 2D coordinates to other 2D coordinates that preserves the “straightness” and “parallelness” of lines.

Such a coordinate transformation can be represented by a 3 row by 3 column matrix with an implied last row of [ 0 0 1 ]. This matrix transforms source coordinates (x, y) into destination coordinates (x',y') by considering them to be a column vector and multiplying the coordinate vector by the matrix according to the following process:

[ x ]   [ a  c  tx ] [ x ]   [ a * x + c * y + tx ]
[ y ] = [ b  d  ty ] [ y ] = [ b * x + d * y + ty ]
[ 1 ]   [ 0  0  1  ] [ 1 ]   [         1          ]

Note the locations of b and c.

This class is optimized for speed and minimizes calculations based on its knowledge of the underlying matrix (as opposed to say simply performing matrix multiplication).


  • Matrix()

    Creates a 2D affine transformation matrix that describes the identity transformation.

    • Returns:

    • Matrix

  • Matrix(a, b, c, d, tx, ty)

    Creates a 2D affine transformation matrix.

    • Parameters:

    • a: Number — the a property of the transform

    • b: Number — the b property of the transform

    • c: Number — the c property of the transform

    • d: Number — the d property of the transform

    • tx: Number — the tx property of the transform

    • ty: Number — the ty property of the transform

    • Returns:

    • Matrix

  • Matrix(values)

    Creates a 2D affine transformation matrix.

    • Parameters:

    • values: Array of Numbers — the matrix values to initialize this matrix with

    • Returns:

    • Matrix

  • Matrix(matrix)

    Creates a 2D affine transformation matrix.

    • Parameters:

    • matrix: Matrix — the matrix to copy the values from

    • Returns:

    • Matrix


  • a

    The value that affects the transformation along the x axis when scaling or rotating, positioned at (0, 0) in the transformation matrix.

    • Type:

    • Number

  • b

    The value that affects the transformation along the y axis when rotating or skewing, positioned at (1, 0) in the transformation matrix.

    • Type:

    • Number

  • c

    The value that affects the transformation along the x axis when rotating or skewing, positioned at (0, 1) in the transformation matrix.

    • Type:

    • Number

  • d

    The value that affects the transformation along the y axis when scaling or rotating, positioned at (1, 1) in the transformation matrix.

    • Type:

    • Number

  • tx

    The distance by which to translate along the x axis, positioned at (2, 0) in the transformation matrix.

    • Type:

    • Number

  • ty

    The distance by which to translate along the y axis, positioned at (2, 1) in the transformation matrix.

    • Type:

    • Number

  • values

    The matrix values as an array, in the same sequence as they are passed to initialize(a, b, c, d, tx, ty).

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Array of Numbers

  • translation

    The translation of the matrix as a vector.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Point

  • scaling

    The scaling values of the matrix, if it can be decomposed.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Point

    • See also:

    • decompose()

  • rotation

    The rotation angle of the matrix, if it can be decomposed.

    Read only.

    • Type:

    • Number

    • See also:

    • decompose()


  • set(...values)

    Sets the matrix to the passed values. Note that any sequence of parameters that is supported by the various Matrix() constructors also work for calls of set().

    • Parameters:

    • values: any value

    • Returns:

    • Point

  • clone()

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — a copy of this transform

  • equals(matrix)

    Checks whether the two matrices describe the same transformation.

    • Parameters:

    • matrix: Matrix — the matrix to compare this matrix to

    • Returns:

    • Boolean — true if the matrices are equal, false otherwise

  • toString()

    • Returns:

    • String — a string representation of this transform

  • reset()

    Resets the matrix by setting its values to the ones of the identity matrix that results in no transformation.

  • apply([recursively])

    Attempts to apply the matrix to the content of item that it belongs to, meaning its transformation is baked into the item’s content or children.

    • Parameters:

    • recursively: Boolean — controls whether to apply transformations recursively on children — optional, default: true

    • Returns:

    • Boolean — true if the matrix was applied, false otherwise

  • translate(point)

    Concatenates this matrix with a translate transformation.

    • Parameters:

    • point: Point — the vector to translate by

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this affine transform

  • translate(dx, dy)

    Concatenates this matrix with a translate transformation.

    • Parameters:

    • dx: Number — the distance to translate in the x direction

    • dy: Number — the distance to translate in the y direction

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this affine transform

  • scale(scale[, center])

    Concatenates this matrix with a scaling transformation.

    • Parameters:

    • scale: Number — the scaling factor

    • center: Point — the center for the scaling transformation — optional

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this affine transform

  • scale(hor, ver[, center])

    Concatenates this matrix with a scaling transformation.

    • Parameters:

    • hor: Number — the horizontal scaling factor

    • ver: Number — the vertical scaling factor

    • center: Point — the center for the scaling transformation — optional

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this affine transform

  • rotate(angle, center)

    Concatenates this matrix with a rotation transformation around an anchor point.

    • Parameters:

    • angle: Number — the angle of rotation measured in degrees

    • center: Point — the anchor point to rotate around

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this affine transform

  • rotate(angle, x, y)

    Concatenates this matrix with a rotation transformation around an anchor point.

    • Parameters:

    • angle: Number — the angle of rotation measured in degrees

    • x: Number — the x coordinate of the anchor point

    • y: Number — the y coordinate of the anchor point

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this affine transform

  • shear(shear[, center])

    Concatenates this matrix with a shear transformation.

    • Parameters:

    • shear: Point — the shear factor in x and y direction

    • center: Point — the center for the shear transformation — optional

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this affine transform

  • shear(hor, ver[, center])

    Concatenates this matrix with a shear transformation.

    • Parameters:

    • hor: Number — the horizontal shear factor

    • ver: Number — the vertical shear factor

    • center: Point — the center for the shear transformation — optional

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this affine transform

  • skew(skew[, center])

    Concatenates this matrix with a skew transformation.

    • Parameters:

    • skew: Point — the skew angles in x and y direction in degrees

    • center: Point — the center for the skew transformation — optional

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this affine transform

  • skew(hor, ver[, center])

    Concatenates this matrix with a skew transformation.

    • Parameters:

    • hor: Number — the horizontal skew angle in degrees

    • ver: Number — the vertical skew angle in degrees

    • center: Point — the center for the skew transformation — optional

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this affine transform

  • append(matrix)

    Appends the specified matrix to this matrix. This is the equivalent of multiplying (this matrix) * (specified matrix).

    • Parameters:

    • matrix: Matrix — the matrix to append

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this matrix, modified

  • prepend(matrix)

    Prepends the specified matrix to this matrix. This is the equivalent of multiplying (specified matrix) * (this matrix).

    • Parameters:

    • matrix: Matrix — the matrix to prepend

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this matrix, modified

  • appended(matrix)

    Returns a new matrix as the result of appending the specified matrix to this matrix. This is the equivalent of multiplying (this matrix) * (specified matrix).

    • Parameters:

    • matrix: Matrix — the matrix to append

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — the newly created matrix

  • prepended(matrix)

    Returns a new matrix as the result of prepending the specified matrix to this matrix. This is the equivalent of multiplying (specified matrix) * (this matrix).

    • Parameters:

    • matrix: Matrix — the matrix to prepend

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — the newly created matrix

  • invert()

    Inverts the matrix, causing it to perform the opposite transformation. If the matrix is not invertible (in which case isSingular() returns true), null is returned.

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this matrix, or null, if the matrix is singular.

  • inverted()

    Creates a new matrix that is the inversion of this matrix, causing it to perform the opposite transformation. If the matrix is not invertible (in which case isSingular() returns true), null is returned.

    • Returns:

    • Matrix — this matrix, or null, if the matrix is singular.

  • isIdentity()

    • Returns:

    • Boolean — whether this matrix is the identity matrix

  • isInvertible()

    Checks whether the matrix is invertible. A matrix is not invertible if the determinant is 0 or any value is infinite or NaN.

    • Returns:

    • Boolean — whether the matrix is invertible

  • isSingular()

    Checks whether the matrix is singular or not. Singular matrices cannot be inverted.

    • Returns:

    • Boolean — whether the matrix is singular

  • transform(point)

    Transforms a point and returns the result.

    • Parameters:

    • point: Point — the point to be transformed

    • Returns:

    • Point — the transformed point

  • transform(src, dst, count)

    Transforms an array of coordinates by this matrix and stores the results into the destination array, which is also returned.

    • Parameters:

    • src: Array of Numbers — the array containing the source points as x, y value pairs

    • dst: Array of Numbers — the array into which to store the transformed point pairs

    • count: Number — the number of points to transform

    • Returns:

    • Array of Numbers — the dst array, containing the transformed coordinates

  • inverseTransform(point)

    Inverse transforms a point and returns the result.

    • Parameters:

    • point: Point — the point to be transformed

    • Returns:

    • Point

  • decompose()

    Decomposes the affine transformation described by this matrix into scaling, rotation and skewing, and returns an object with these properties.

    • Returns:

    • Object — the decomposed matrix

  • applyToContext(ctx)

    Applies this matrix to the specified Canvas Context.

    • Parameters:

    • ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D