
The Size object is used to describe the size or dimensions of something, through its width and height properties.

Example: Create a size that is 10pt wide and 5pt high, and use it to define a rectangle:

var size = new Size(10, 5);
console.log(size.width); // 10
console.log(size.height); // 5
var rect = new Rectangle(new Point(20, 15), size);
console.log(rect); // { x: 20, y: 15, width: 10, height: 5 }


  • Size(width, height)

    Creates a Size object with the given width and height values.

    • Parameters:

    • width: Number โ€” the width

    • height: Number โ€” the height

    • Returns:

    • Size

    Example:Create a size that is 10pt wide and 5pt high

    var size = new Size(10, 5);
    console.log(size.width); // 10
    console.log(size.height); // 5
  • Size(array)

    Creates a Size object using the numbers in the given array as dimensions.

    • Parameters:

    • array: Array

    • Returns:

    • Size

    Example:Creating a size of width: 320, height: 240 using an array of numbers:

    var array = [320, 240];
    var size = new Size(array);
    console.log(size.width); // 320
    console.log(size.height); // 240
  • Size(object)

    Creates a Size object using the properties in the given object.

    • Parameters:

    • object: Object

    • Returns:

    • Size

    Example:Creating a size of width: 10, height: 20 using an object literal:

    var size = new Size({
        width: 10,
        height: 20
    console.log(size.width); // 10
    console.log(size.height); // 20
  • Size(size)

    Creates a Size object using the coordinates of the given Size object.

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size

    • Returns:

    • Size

  • Size(point)

    Creates a Size object using the point.x and point.y values of the given Point object.

    • Parameters:

    • point: Point

    • Returns:

    • Size


    var point = new Point(50, 50);
    var size = new Size(point);
    console.log(size.width); // 50
    console.log(size.height); // 50


  • +number, +size

    Returns the addition of the supplied value to the width and height of the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • number: Number โ€” the number to add

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the addition of the size and the value as a new size


    var size = new Size(5, 10);
    var result = size + 20;
    console.log(result); // {width: 25, height: 30}

    Returns the addition of the width and height of the supplied size to the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size โ€” the size to add

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the addition of the two sizes as a new size


    var size1 = new Size(5, 10);
    var size2 = new Size(10, 20);
    var result = size1 + size2;
    console.log(result); // {width: 15, height: 30}
  • -number, -size

    Returns the subtraction of the supplied value from the width and height of the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified! The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • number: Number โ€” the number to subtract

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the subtraction of the size and the value as a new size


    var size = new Size(10, 20);
    var result = size - 5;
    console.log(result); // {width: 5, height: 15}

    Returns the subtraction of the width and height of the supplied size from the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size โ€” the size to subtract

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the subtraction of the two sizes as a new size


    var firstSize = new Size(10, 20);
    var secondSize = new Size(5, 5);
    var result = firstSize - secondSize;
    console.log(result); // {width: 5, height: 15}
  • *number, *size

    Returns the multiplication of the supplied value with the width and height of the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • number: Number โ€” the number to multiply by

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the multiplication of the size and the value as a new size


    var size = new Size(10, 20);
    var result = size * 2;
    console.log(result); // {width: 20, height: 40}

    Returns the multiplication of the width and height of the supplied size with the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size โ€” the size to multiply by

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the multiplication of the two sizes as a new size


    var firstSize = new Size(5, 10);
    var secondSize = new Size(4, 2);
    var result = firstSize * secondSize;
    console.log(result); // {width: 20, height: 20}
  • /number, /size

    Returns the division of the supplied value by the width and height of the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • number: Number โ€” the number to divide by

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the division of the size and the value as a new size


    var size = new Size(10, 20);
    var result = size / 2;
    console.log(result); // {width: 5, height: 10}

    Returns the division of the width and height of the supplied size by the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size โ€” the size to divide by

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the division of the two sizes as a new size


    var firstSize = new Size(8, 10);
    var secondSize = new Size(2, 5);
    var result = firstSize / secondSize;
    console.log(result); // {width: 4, height: 2}
  • %number, %size

    The modulo operator returns the integer remainders of dividing the size by the supplied value as a new size.

    • Parameters:

    • value: Number

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the integer remainders of dividing the size by the value as a new size


    var size = new Size(12, 6);
    console.log(size % 5); // {width: 2, height: 1}

    The modulo operator returns the integer remainders of dividing the size by the supplied size as a new size.

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the integer remainders of dividing the sizes by each other as a new size


    var size = new Size(12, 6);
    console.log(size % new Size(5, 2)); // {width: 2, height: 0}


  • width

    The width of the size

    • Type:

    • Number

  • height

    The height of the size

    • Type:

    • Number


  • set(...values)

    Sets the size to the passed values. Note that any sequence of parameters that is supported by the various Size() constructors also work for calls of set().

    • Parameters:

    • values: any value

    • Returns:

    • Size

  • equals(size)

    Checks whether the width and height of the size are equal to those of the supplied size.

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size โ€” the size to compare to

    • Returns:

    • Boolean


    var size = new Size(5, 10);
    console.log(size == new Size(5, 10)); // true
    console.log(size == new Size(1, 1)); // false
    console.log(size != new Size(1, 1)); // true
  • clone()

    Returns a copy of the size.

    • Returns:

    • Size

  • toString()

    • Returns:

    • String โ€” a string representation of the size


  • isZero()

    Checks if this size has both the width and height set to 0.

    • Returns:

    • Boolean โ€” true if both width and height are 0, false otherwise

  • isNaN()

    Checks if the width or the height of the size are NaN.

    • Returns:

    • Boolean โ€” true if the width or height of the size are NaN, false otherwise

Math Functions

  • round()

    Returns a new size with rounded width and height values. The object itself is not modified!

    • Returns:

    • Size


    var size = new Size(10.2, 10.9);
    var roundSize = size.round();
    console.log(roundSize); // {x: 10, y: 11}
  • ceil()

    Returns a new size with the nearest greater non-fractional values to the specified width and height values. The object itself is not modified!

    • Returns:

    • Size


    var size = new Size(10.2, 10.9);
    var ceilSize = size.ceil();
    console.log(ceilSize); // {x: 11, y: 11}
  • floor()

    Returns a new size with the nearest smaller non-fractional values to the specified width and height values. The object itself is not modified!

    • Returns:

    • Size


    var size = new Size(10.2, 10.9);
    var floorSize = size.floor();
    console.log(floorSize); // {x: 10, y: 10}
  • abs()

    Returns a new size with the absolute values of the specified width and height values. The object itself is not modified!

    • Returns:

    • Size


    var size = new Size(-5, 10);
    var absSize = size.abs();
    console.log(absSize); // {x: 5, y: 10}

Math Operator Functions

  • add(number)

    Returns the addition of the supplied value to the width and height of the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • number: Number โ€” the number to add

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the addition of the size and the value as a new size


    var size = new Size(5, 10);
    var result = size + 20;
    console.log(result); // {width: 25, height: 30}
  • add(size)

    Returns the addition of the width and height of the supplied size to the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size โ€” the size to add

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the addition of the two sizes as a new size


    var size1 = new Size(5, 10);
    var size2 = new Size(10, 20);
    var result = size1 + size2;
    console.log(result); // {width: 15, height: 30}
  • subtract(number)

    Returns the subtraction of the supplied value from the width and height of the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified! The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • number: Number โ€” the number to subtract

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the subtraction of the size and the value as a new size


    var size = new Size(10, 20);
    var result = size - 5;
    console.log(result); // {width: 5, height: 15}
  • subtract(size)

    Returns the subtraction of the width and height of the supplied size from the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size โ€” the size to subtract

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the subtraction of the two sizes as a new size


    var firstSize = new Size(10, 20);
    var secondSize = new Size(5, 5);
    var result = firstSize - secondSize;
    console.log(result); // {width: 5, height: 15}
  • multiply(number)

    Returns the multiplication of the supplied value with the width and height of the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • number: Number โ€” the number to multiply by

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the multiplication of the size and the value as a new size


    var size = new Size(10, 20);
    var result = size * 2;
    console.log(result); // {width: 20, height: 40}
  • multiply(size)

    Returns the multiplication of the width and height of the supplied size with the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size โ€” the size to multiply by

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the multiplication of the two sizes as a new size


    var firstSize = new Size(5, 10);
    var secondSize = new Size(4, 2);
    var result = firstSize * secondSize;
    console.log(result); // {width: 20, height: 20}
  • divide(number)

    Returns the division of the supplied value by the width and height of the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • number: Number โ€” the number to divide by

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the division of the size and the value as a new size


    var size = new Size(10, 20);
    var result = size / 2;
    console.log(result); // {width: 5, height: 10}
  • divide(size)

    Returns the division of the width and height of the supplied size by the size as a new size. The object itself is not modified!

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size โ€” the size to divide by

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the division of the two sizes as a new size


    var firstSize = new Size(8, 10);
    var secondSize = new Size(2, 5);
    var result = firstSize / secondSize;
    console.log(result); // {width: 4, height: 2}
  • modulo(value)

    The modulo operator returns the integer remainders of dividing the size by the supplied value as a new size.

    • Parameters:

    • value: Number

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the integer remainders of dividing the size by the value as a new size


    var size = new Size(12, 6);
    console.log(size % 5); // {width: 2, height: 1}
  • modulo(size)

    The modulo operator returns the integer remainders of dividing the size by the supplied size as a new size.

    • Parameters:

    • size: Size

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the integer remainders of dividing the sizes by each other as a new size


    var size = new Size(12, 6);
    console.log(size % new Size(5, 2)); // {width: 2, height: 0}

Static Methods

  • Size.min(size1, size2)

    Returns a new size object with the smallest width and height of the supplied sizes.

    • Parameters:

    • size1: Size

    • size2: Size

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the newly created size object


    var size1 = new Size(10, 100);
    var size2 = new Size(200, 5);
    var minSize = Size.min(size1, size2);
    console.log(minSize); // {width: 10, height: 5}

    Example:Find the minimum of multiple sizes:

    var size1 = new Size(60, 100);
    var size2 = new Size(200, 5);
    var size3 = new Size(250, 35);
    [size1, size2, size3].reduce(Size.min) // {width: 60, height: 5}
  • Size.max(size1, size2)

    Returns a new size object with the largest width and height of the supplied sizes.

    • Parameters:

    • size1: Size

    • size2: Size

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the newly created size object


    var size1 = new Size(10, 100);
    var size2 = new Size(200, 5);
    var maxSize = Size.max(size1, size2);
    console.log(maxSize); // {width: 200, height: 100}

    Example:Find the maximum of multiple sizes:

    var size1 = new Size(60, 100);
    var size2 = new Size(200, 5);
    var size3 = new Size(250, 35);
    [size1, size2, size3].reduce(Size.max) // {width: 250, height: 100}
  • Size.random()

    Returns a size object with random width and height values between 0 and 1.

    • Returns:

    • Size โ€” the newly created size object


    var maxSize = new Size(100, 100);
    var randomSize = Size.random();
    var size = maxSize * randomSize;